How to use Bulma Sass in react.js
In this article, you use the Bulma CSS framework and create a project use Bulma sass.
Bulma is a great CSS framework is my opinion. One thing I love in Bulma is the class names. Bulma class names are very easy and rememberable for everyone and beginner person.
When I start the Bulma, I face one very little problem. That is sass. So I try to figure out how to use Bulma sass and also extend it for my project?
In this article, we together create a Bulma project in react js use of Bulma sass. Use sass in Bulma very easily, and Bulma also provides well define documentation for the developer. You easily read it and follow it.
If are learn more about Bulma, then you read all my articles on Bulma.
Let’s start it
- Install
- Import sass
- Demo
Firstly you install one npm package in that node-sass with Bulma. The node-sass package adds the sass functionally in your react project. You install the node-sass with the following command.
npm install node-sassor yarn add node-sass
After installing the npm package successfully then follow my second step.
Import sass
Import sass step we divided with two-part
- Basic Information about sass and Bulma
- Main Code part
If you know about the basic information about the Bulma and sass, you skip it and follow the Main code part.
Basic Information about sass and Bulma
Sass official provides two file extensions for the developer to write CSS in the file.
- sass
- scss
Bulma always uses sass syntax to write sass files. If you import the Bulma sass file in the scss file extension, you face an error.
Main Code part
Firstly, you import the Bulma sass file in your react.js project
@import '~bulma/bulma.sass';
If you import the Bulma sass individually. You definitely do that.
@import "bulma/sass/utilities/_all.sass"
@import "bulma/sass/grid/columns.sass"
If you import individually button style in Bulma.
@import "bulma/sass/utilities/_all.sass"
@import "bulma/sass/elements/button.sass"
Check out my article on the Bulma CSS framework
You change Bulma CSS according to your own thought. In that case, you use Bulma sass. You change in Bulma only sass variables. I recommended you don’t change big stuff in Bulma CSS. Otherwise, you face an error.